Reflective Essay

It's exactly 8:15 and I'm done encoding my 5 outputs and making this blog.Actually I thought it was easy as 1..2..3 but it didn't came out that way.I had to be familiar with the tools here in blogger since I'm still a newbie however the new things that I learned here made me loved technology more.
 I know there are alot of professional bloggers there who is even making money out of their blogs.I wonder if I could be like them and put my blogging as a part time job.LOL.But I still have to learn a lot of things inorder to be one of them.
  It really took me patience on encoding my outputs here in our computer.Instead of spending my leisure time with my friends,I'm stuck here in our computer room doing my blog.My mom even scold me why I was facing the computer for the whole day..However it is a great opportunity for me to express my thoughts and feelings to the world through my blog which I will really owe to my English teacher,Mrs.Boniao.

 It's good to know that such site exist.The world can now hear our tiny voices in just a few seconds.It's amazing how technology can do this and I'm happy I'm part of those people who are previleged enough to speak in behalf of the youth.
 I hope sooner or later more people will be more engaged in blogging because it's a really interesting thing to do rather than just chatting with friends about nonsense things.I also hope BLOGGER would be a good way of sharing informations and not ruining other's reputation.
 Oh well,I'll end here now.Bye!See you in my next blog.:)

--The Writer

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What Christmas Means to Me.

--This is actually the video that we made last year that won first place in the Nationals.I was the director of our group.We hope you'll enjoy.--

The sky is filled with stars.The streets are full of people on the go while they hustle and bustle shopping.In the western part of the world,people are praying to snow but here in the Philippines,even if we don’t experienced one we know it’s Christmas cause it’s called outside but our hearts feel the warmth of the season.Finally,the month people always anticipate to come is here.
Christmas, everyone's favorite time of the year. I don't know about you, but Christmas is the day I waited for every year as a kid. No other day was more important to me than Christmas was.
          It’s Christmas in this tropical country and the streets are filled with decorations.Trees and houses are being ornamented and angels are place all around it so people who passes by can feel the spirit of Christmas.
          Everyone is usually happy with smiles all around.People greet each other cheerfully and it’s such a joyous sound.My mom bakes cookies and other treat while I make some holiday cards and send it to my dear friends.Yes,it can be busy and hectic but I really hope it will never end.
          Children are filled with anticipation wondering what gifts they might get while parents hide these treasure packages so the children won’t see them yet.During Christmas eve,these little adorable kids think it’s Santa who sneeks in but the mystery that was never told to them is it’s just their parents giving them what they deserve.
          Many parties are held where people get together for fun.They talk about how exhausted they’ll be once the season is done.People go off their diets and eat much more than they should.It’s difficult to pass up the food because all of it looks appetizing and delicious.
Who wouldn’t remember carolers roaming around singing wonderful songs that are a joy to hear.Though sometimes some are off tune,you’ll still give them a peso or more because Christmas is a time of giving and sharing.
Every family are joined with happiness reuniting and celebrating this joyous occasion together. Christmas at our house means nothing, if the whole family isn't there. Every year all the close relatives that can make come over and stay at our house and have Christmas with us. The memories wouldn't be the same if none of them were there.
Do you know why we celebrate such occasion and spend much money once in a year?
          The special day known as Christmas is the anniversary of Jesus’ birth.It’s a day that is held most holy all around the earth.He gave us His son because he loves us so much.
However most of us tend to forget the meaning of Christmas.It’s even sad to know that children can only remember Santa when we talk about this special day and not Jesus.
We should remember the wonderful value that Jesus has taught us and that is to love and give things unconditionally.I wish crimes would be less because Christmas is all about peace and forgiveness. Christmas is a time of sharing and being with the ones you love. It's not about getting, it's about giving.
The bells of the church is calling us not only to go to church but is knocking our hearts to remember the true essence of having Christmas As we gather in churches on Christmas,we should remember to thank God for sending his Son to redeem us and filling our hearts with love.Hopefully we will not only share the value of Christmas this month but we should always show it all year round.

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Our Values Today

Values are principles and ideas that bring meaning to the seemingly mundane experience of life. A meaningful life that ultimately brings happiness and pride requires you to respond to temptations as well as challenges with honor, dignity, and courage.”
Laura Schlesinger

I really love watching old pictures from my grandpa and grandma.I admire how wonderful their clothes were and how good looking all of them had been.In each picture you could see how well educated they were and I know just by one look how they often give importance to their values their parents bestowed to them.An important factor that the youth of today didn’t value—OUR MORAL VALUES.
          What by then is values?From our Christian living subject values is defined as something we give importance to that’s why we do things whether it is right or wrong to show how significant that thing is.Values help you to distinguish what is right from what is wrong and inform you on how you can conduct your life in a meaningful way.
Today's youth are embarking on a new era of things the previous generation didn't have. Technology is moving so fast that changes the face of activities that our youth partake in. Even with all the new gadgets, games, cell phones and texting, our youth sometimes look to be a generation of the "bored". This is likely because video games, all that texting, and hanging with their clicks, they are becoming a generation with the ability to create their own bubble and their different social world.This is what our generation today gives importance to.I mostly laugh observing people holding their phones while walking or staying long hours in the internet café that is way different from what we typically see as a place where we look people in the eyes, shake hands, talk face to face and know what is right and what's wrong.
  Today's youth are the most sexually promiscuous generation ever, engaging in sexual activities as young as 10-11 years of age, with teenage pregnancies the highest ever and on the rise.
     Youth participation in criminal activities are on the rise and offenders are getting younger and younger. More and more children are becoming involved in violent crime and even organized crime. Gangster ism is alive and well and thriving on the backs of ever younger and more impressionable members
Scholastic standards and academic prowess is plummeting among the youth and more and more schools and colleges are experiencing discipline problems. Under aged drinking is a huge problem, so is drug abuse and obesity. The list is endless and the picture bleaker and bleaker as the years go by.
    Growing up in a society that teaches tolerance, not moral standards and behavior, but tolerance; as accepting differences in behavior and standards without right or wrong. They are taught to stand for nothing and as a result they fall for anything. "You are entitled to the way you feel and no one can tell you that you are wrong and you should express your feelings...", sounds familiar?
         We allow a teenager to make a decision on terminating the life of a child, without having the emotional maturity or understanding to even begin to comprehend the magnitude of her decision. We accept sexual promiscuity as a fact of life and teach them to be "safe", squandering their precious gift of virginity, having no grasp of fidelity or what it takes to make a marriage work.
        We teach them that only winners are acceptable and thus they will do anything to win. No one wants to be a "loser".
                 Today's society is one where the boundaries are non-existent, ethics a word in the dictionary, truth something our parents used to believe, constant change to be desired and the pursuit of pleasure the way to go. Everybody wants to be happy, no matter the cost, invariably at someone else's expense.
                     Our children enjoy rights, with no responsibilities and ever dwindling accountability. They are seen as individuals and taught to act and plan accordingly. The result: a supremely selfish generation that indulges in irresponsible and destructive behavior.
The  culture they live in is loosing many things that are important, and the youth brought up in that culture are a mere reflection of this fact.Certainly the moral value in todays generation is lacking and generations will be confused about their ethics.
Yet the youth of today is not lost but, sadly, they are almost forgotten. In order to ensure and secure moral values,teachers and parents play a vital role and need to take initiative in helping them to be a true citizens with moral values. Let the adults of our country stand up and demonstrate strength of character and integrity, so that, when they are gone, the nation will not disintegrate, but grow. Let them have the courage to say what needs saying, so their children will hear, and never live in fear. Let the youth of this nation become a generation of change.

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A Step Forward

A year ago I was watching a Japanese movie that a friend of mine introduced to me and I was very fascinated with the movie.The line that struck my heart was the line,”Whether what place you are into,all of us is under the same sky”.I was so inlove with the line that it gave me a realization that we are all given a wonderful world,however most of us seemed to have forgotten that we are equal in the eyes of our Creator.Some want to be superior from the other.Selfishness got most of us in the wrong direction.Most of us only care about moneymaking that we don’t care if we can step on someone’s foot or destroy something on earth.Sometimes I questioned myself what happened to the values of our humanity.Most of us has gone wild and the old where beauty and peace was supposed to be present was covered with a dark sky.
            If I could only write a note to God,I wish for change in this world,nation and in my society as well.
The world is vast and because of this distinct character,I can feel the weight of the world on my shoulder.One of the majore problems of the world is poverty.Men die in hunger for food,love and peace.Lack of understanding even mislead all of us from unity.In each corner of the world,we feel poverty all over.
            My outmost concern as well is the current status of our environment.I wish the greediness og men disappear in the snap of my hand.(If I only could)so that they could not destroy the beauty of nature.
            The same problem is presend in our country.I feel so sad seeing the Pearl of the East in great chaos.Crime is rampant nowadays.The news brought by media is terrifying.Our leaders as well are not even doing what they haved promised,hence they keep on stealing the riches of the country---a form of corruption leaving poor people more poor and them more powerful.Justice is not even prevailing here.Those who are innocent are sentenced to jail while those who should pay are beng considered.We are of the same color yet we ourselves are the ones pulling our fellow brothers down.Conflicts between religion is inevitable.The word RESPECT seemed to have no space in our country.
            Even here in our society where we are supposed to be so close since we both live in the same place are destroying each other’s reputation.We listen to news which are plain rumors and misjudge so easily.Not only that,some of us don’t follow the rules the city has ordered.Simply IRRESPONSIBLE.
            When I was young,my imagination has no limits in changing the world.However,as I grew older and wiser,I feel like there’s no way in changing the world yet it all became clear to my mind how impossible things can happen when I met Mahatma Ghandi.He made me realize that inorder to change,I have to change.We can’t change others.If people say I’m just one then why would I care?One is all it takes to start changing the world.
            I’ll be a catalyst of change through my skills and talents.I’ll be an advocate of peace and a person who has the love for nature.I will start being open to others and try to understand them.I will be a good daughter,a faithful servant to the Lord and a responsible citizen to my country.
            Then by example,I would change my family.From their inspiration and encouragement,I would then be able to help make a better country.Who knows,I may even have change my world.
            C-H-A-N-G-E.A six letter word that is so hard to yet something that should happen.Hand in hand,let’s all make a difference and build a better self,a better nation and a better world.
This song is really meaningful.It's a guy who want's to make a difference even if he knows the consequence ahead.A must listen song.:)ENJOY!

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Thank You Ma'am

“Thank you Ma'am" by Langston Hughes is a fictional third person narrative. I honestly believe that this is a wonderful story.
Roger is a young boy that doesn't have a father figure to guide him though his adolescent life. Roger has nobody to tell him what to do and when to do it..The author just simply showed us how life is when you don’t have your parents around you to guide you from the right path.It made me come up to a realization on how unfair life is.I myself is lucky enough to have my parents with me to show me what’s right and what is wrong.Roger lived an awful life on the streets.What he sees is right and will satisfy his pleasure is what he often does.At a young age the people around him already has influenced him and blinded him the truth.Those people who are fond of stealing and lying. A person who is raised like Roger has a tendency to only do the right thing when someone is watching.

        The author used setting to show the theme. “‘It was about eleven o’clock at night and she was alone” The setting tells us that  nobody is around to see the boy steal the pocketbook. This part of the setting shows how there is nobody watching.It was dark so Roger was confident enough to steal the pocketbook  from the lady.

I enjoyed the climax best out of Thank You Ma'm because it was very surprising. I was eager to find out the turning point of the story. For example,after an character name Roger stole Ms. Luella bates Washington Jone's purse she took him to her home and allowed him to wash his face and get something to eat. This was very surprising to me because I thought that she was going to send him to jail, but instead she treated him really nice and gave him something that he needed.

Equally important to why I like the climax best out of Thank You Ma'm is because the way Luella Bates Washington Jones acts. She reminds me of my grandmother. The way she reacted in that situation is in a way that my grandmother would have. She would be strict at first but later on lighten up and be nice. I like that about Thank You Ma'm because it has a realistic feel. It allows you to compare what a real person would do if a problem like that occurred in someones regular life.

        It was very interesting. I liked how the author made Luella Bates Washington Jone's character come out to be nice and caring. It was almost like her type of character was not meant to be that way, but Langston Hughes pulled it off so good that Luella Bates Washington Jones fitted perfectly into the story. The way she handled the Roger situation was unbelievable.

When she gave him the money at the end, he was delighted and managed to say, “Thank you, m’am.”   In my opinion, she does this as a way to teach him a lesson.   The lesson in this case may be that if you are in search of something you want, stealing is not a good decision, and that there are people out there to help you.
These examples are just true for this story this is true for everyday life like you always chose what you want and always think of the consequence that what happened of the choice that you are going to make and the things that you already made. The lesson this story portrayed was doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

          Mrs.Jones are just one of the people that are rare to find.She might be poor like the others but she always does things the right way and she’s always out there to offer her hands to those who needs her.

I loved the story Thank You Ma'm. It was very surprising, realistic, and interesting. It actually made me think about my life and how to treat people with love and respect.

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My Teacher,My Hero

            Like a normal child,my dream was to become a hero.I’ve always wanted to be like Wonderwoman and fight villains with Superman or be part of the Powerpuff Girls and save the day.Imagine a life with Justice League and together be the saviors of those who are in need.How I wish I had superpowers.How I dreamt of wearing those fancy suits they usually wear.
    Those were once my dreams but as I grew older I realized what a true hero is.
            Real heroes can’t fly.They don’t need to waste their own flesh and blood but they only do good thing to others which makes them a hero.
            Finally,my idea of a hero came into the person of my preschool teacher,TEACHER RUTH.I met her 10 years ago and she was one of the few persons I’ll never forget.
            She was very talented.She knows how to plat the piano very well and she can sing very well.She was also good in her field-teaching.You could see in her brown eyes that she loved her profession.Before I was very quiet.I don’t have friends but she keeps on reminding me that no man is an island.She was not just a teacher but she was my mother,my friend.
            Even when I was in grade school,she did not stop her communications with me.She continued teaching me things in life.She was very good in advicing.I shared my pains and burdens to her and she has a shoulder that I can lean on and an ear willing to listen as I cry.
            When I graduated from elementary as Salutatorian,she was present and she was very happy to see me infront of that stage getting that diploma.It’s as if we were sharing the fruit of my labor.
            At home,she was good mother to her children.Now she was like a superwoman.During daytime,she’s at school and at night she is a loving mother..They were not that rich but I was amazed seeing her smile despite the hardships in life.
            She was an image of my grandma as well.I’ve never felt the love of my grandmother since she passed away when I was still very little.She filled the lapses and the love my grandma should have given.A love I’ll always be thankful for the rest of my life.
            When I heard the news that she passed away,tears fell down on my face.Several questions came up into my mind.Why must a good person die?Millions of students still need her.I still need her.I love her.
            On her burial,I saw her lying on her coffin and I barely couldn’t take a look at her.If I’ll watch her I’ll only remember the past and make me miss her more.Her daughter came near me and she told how badly she waited for me to visit.I cried and felt sorry for myself for not even being there with her during the times that she was battling for her life.For the chance that I did not take to say thank you to her for all the things that she unconditionally gave.If only I could whisper in her ears how grateful I was for having her in my life,I would really do so.
            I had then remember the last few words that my teacher told me before she died,”Nakauyab na ka day?Ayaw sa ha?Unya ra ug masuccessful naka.Be the person your master can be proud of.Life is cruel but God’s love is bigger than any problem.If you need a helping hand,I’m always here to help you.”
            Her memories made me miss her more but still I tried to be strong for even if she is gone,her love was still like the wind,I will never see it anymore but I can always feel it.
            If only heaven had a number,I would call her and tell her how best she is and how thankful I am to have her.But then I laughed all of a sudden because even if I won't talk I know she can hear me through the beats of my heart.
            Her burial was like a burial of a hero who shed blood for the country.Many people whom she helped where there.I know deep in my heart there is still someone who is like her.A teacher who loves her student.Even though she’s not with us anymore,she had touched so many lives and educated a hundred of students when she was still alive.
            I love her.My savior,my supporter,my teacher,my friend,my HERO.

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